I'm baaack! (FIR pun intended) I know that I have been MIA the last few weeks, but I've had a lot going on. FPMN has some cool stuff coming up though that you won't want to miss. If you haven't already connected with us on our Twitter and FB pages (links are located below), make sure you do so that you'll be updated on our new projects (Details will be announced later in the month.)
Anyway, this past Thursday I went to see Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows at The Loft in Poughkeepsie, NY. I can honestly say that it's one of the best shows I've seen recently. The show started with two locals bands after which Our Last Night took the stage. The band immediately got the crowd into the show by playing songs like "Elephants" and "Across The Ocean". And by "into the show" I mean a full on mosh pit and crowd surfers!
After Our Last Night's set, D.R.U.G.S. finally took the stage. Despite the fact that it was the band's final show after a 7 week tour, they all had great energy onstage. The crowd was equally energetic: screams so loud that my friend and I JUST got our hearing back and tons of crowd surfers- Yup, I got kicked in the head. All in the name of rock n' roll right?
So, D.R.U.G.S. played a 10 song set including their singles, "If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is", "Mr. Owl Ate My Metal Worm", and "Sex Life". Here are some pictures that my friend Georgina took.

Matt Good
Craig crowd walking during "Sex Life"
Me with Trevor Wentworth (lead singer of OLN), Matt Good,
Craig Owens, & Nick Martin
For more concert reviews, album reviews, and interviews be sure to follow FPMN on Twitter (@FrontPaigeMetal) and "Like" us on Facebook.
Hails and Hello Miss Paige, welcome back. Good that you are returning and have stuff in queue. No defeat no surrender if you hope to make a difference with your little home on the webs after all. Great item on D.R.U.G.S. I caught them once last year with Black Veil Brides. Interesting band but I was more into the BVB stuff. Glad I saw them just the same. Keep on rocking and looking forward to your next documented adventure.